Customer Influence Panel

This is a customer-led and customer-appointed group which influences and scrutinises our business performance, strategies, and policies.

The Customer Influence Panel consists of 12 SNG customers and includes a Chair and Vice Chair. 

The Chair serves as an observer at the SNG Board, with a Board-appointed nominee sitting as an observer on this Influence Panel. 

Meet the Chairs

Play the videos below to find out more about the Chair and Vice-Chair of our Customer Influence Panel.

Jackie Dunn – Chair (previous Sovereign Scrutiny Coordination Group member)

Meet the Chair - Jackie Dunn video transcript [pdf, 72KB]

Lauren Mathurin – Vice-Chair

Meet the Vice-Chair - Lauren Mathurin video transcript [pdf, 76KB]

The Panel held its first meeting in January and Jackie Dunn, the Chair, gives a brief update on the meeting in the video below.

First meeting summary video transcript [pdf, 75KB]